Meet our team – Lucy Middleton

Meet our team – Lucy Middleton

Our ability to provide high quality care for our service users starts with our brilliant and experienced team. Speaking of brilliant, meet our Registered Manager, Lucy…


What do you do at Avanti?

I am in charge of all things care related. So I am responsible for both our service users and our carers. Making sure that everyone is well looked after, safe and happy is my main role.

What’s your background?

I’ve worked in care for 12 years. I started as a carer both in the community and in care homes and worked up to becoming a registered manager and now to running my own business at Avanti Homecare.

What is something that you’d like to help change in the care industry?

There are lots of things that I want to help change, it’s a big driver for me setting up my own business here. For the service users I want to make sure they feel like they are always treated as a person, that their needs are met and their choices respected. For our carers I want to support them, make them realise how valued and valuable they are. They are the key to our industry and don’t get the recognition they deserve.

What do you like most about your job?

Everything! I really have found the most fulfilling job I can imagine.

What do you like when you’re not Avanti-ing?

I love spending time with my family, and my dog. We are a close extended family and try to see each other whenever we can.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Cleaning! I clean every day and would do it all day if I could.