Lead through doing
We all set a good example to do our best. This could mean supporting clients, guiding less experienced team members or motivating everyone we meet to have the best day they can.
← Photo shows Bryan, the Registered manager of our Ripley branch out in the community supporting his team in care calls.
Supportive and caring
We support and care for:
- Our clients as if they were our own family
- Each other as we would want to be supported and cared for ourselves
← Photo shows of one of our care team giving one of our clients a pamper day which starts with a hair wash.
Listening to our people
We listen to our team members and clients and build strong relationships between us all.
← Photo shows our in-house training, our care team asked for more training opportunities and now we have 2 full years of courses they can choose from.
We are one team
We work together to support each other, and see ourselves as part of the same team with the same goals.
← Photo shows… what can we say, it would be lovely to show every member of our amazing team but here’s a small selection.
Positive and proud
We will bring a positive approach to our work, and are proud of the exceptional care we are providing.
← Photo shows our Ripley care team at Halloween swooping in to brighten a clients day.
Why have we defined our values?
In 2021, we started a values project to define our company values so that everyone working with us would have a clear understanding of what the Avanti values are and why they’re important.
The values were created by a group composed of members of our care team and managers. Over a few weeks they developed 5 phrases to describe what it means to be a part of the Avanti team.
These values lie at the core of our business, they explain who we are to people who don’t know us and set the standards against which we continue to test ourselves.