Let us introduce you to Elisabeth! After 12 years in the corporate world, Lis brings a wealth of financial and legal expertise and has a genuine enthusiasm for problem solving and strategising…
What do you do at Avanti?
A bit of everything! But I mainly focus on all of the behind the scenes parts of the company, so the finance, legal and regulatory areas are all in my domain. I try to make sure that we’re all running as efficiently as possible and that we’re doing everything as we should be.
What’s your background?
I’ve had a slightly unusual route into the care industry, I studied Physics at university and then spent the first 12 years of my career in finance providing loans to big infrastructure projects across Europe. But I really wanted to move into an industry which makes a daily difference to people’s lives and so we had the idea to start Avanti Homecare and I have to say I’ve never been happier coming into work each day since we did.
What is something that you’d like to help change in the care industry?
I’m sure that we will all say something similar here but for me, I really want to change how carers are treated and valued both in the industry and by the wider public. They really do such an important and sometimes difficult job, and often at antisocial hours. So I would like to help them get the recognition and support that they deserve.
What do you like most about your job?
There are lots of things I really like about my job but I think the thing I like the most is when I hear that we are making a difference to the lives and happiness of the people we care for. Knowing that we are helping them live more comfortably and independently is really what it’s all about.
What do you like when you’re not Avanti-ing?
At the moment there isn’t much non-Avanti time but I really love to travel. Before we started Avanti, Taras and I spent a year travelling the world and it really made me realise how fortunate we are here in the UK and also how much more of the world there is that I want to see.

Elisabeth on the Inka Trail in 2018
What’s your favourite quote?
It’s one from my dad which I really like and goes ‘mistakes come with the gift of learning in their hands’. Always helps me feel better when things go wrong!